Twenty Twenty Two, Here I Am!

2022, I plan to continue living a resilient life, acting on acts of kindness and a daily gentle reminder of all the reasons to be grateful. I will be aware of my presence, follow my heart and listen to what my heart desires with healthy boundaries. I will do my best to be my best and continue to make room in my day to day consciousness to do better in all aspects.

If I can accomplish the slightest in all those areas then I’m doing okay. Oh yes, and to remember to be gentle to myself and if I stray away from my goals, my vision for myself? … well…I will get back on track and persue the plan to manifest the day to day purposeful life as best I can.

I will remember, my very existence is the precious deal! Fortune to be given the ticket to walk this earth! I will continue to make the best of it! I value change and the opportunity to make change and know it’s inevitable and that’s okay because Twenty Twenty Two, here I am!

Eva you got this!

With love

Saying goodbye is hard to do

The family together having our last precious moments with mom… Our beautiful, soulful, unconditional loving compassionate mother, grandmother & great grandmother and friend! Taking turns saying our goodbyes, each having their very own special relationship with mom, having to say goodbye and thanking her for everything she has done for us. She made us all so strong! She built an army of resilient loved ones!

We honour you mom for your incredible perseverance to live despite all the challenges and barriers; you pushed them all aside and climbed over those walls to continue your journey on the earth without a second thought. You never gave up, your spirit is strong and mighty! You are my superwomen!

Mom, we are all here for you, don’t worry about anything, don’t worry mom, everything will be okay, we are okay.

I pray to all your angel protectors to be by your side to guide you…in peace🙏

I love you forever mom, I love you for always, as long as I’m living my soul mother you’ll be.

Love, your daughter eva

Among us Women-Entre Nous Femmes

The History

Entre Nous Femmes Housing Society was founded in 1984 by three women who wanted to make life better for themselves and for other single mothers and their children.

The founders believed that providing safe and affordable housing was the first step in creating positive futures for families. ENF is one of the first housing development organizations created and led by women in Canada and has a proud tradition of naming our buildings after the grandmothers of our founders.

We continue to honor our legacy of inclusiveness, hope, determination, and social justice as passed down from the grandmothers through the creation of affordable, diverse and healthy communities for families, single parents and seniors in the lower mainland.

26 years I’ve lived here. I raised two daughters and raise my granddaughter here. This is me, this is where I live, and here is where my memories and the history of my family lives. My soul is rooted here. How can you take that away from me? How do I tell my kids and my grandkids that I will be moving and I don’t know where I’m going and I have to move all the archives of my life from the walls, the pencil marks of their growth chart, the life I built here in and all its treasures secured in all the nooks and crannies of my home with precious family memoirs firmly attached to the spirit of my beautiful home. Even the tree growing outside my balcony is a part of me and the heritage of this building. In addition, the love for my neighbours, always there for me, I’m always there for them. We take care of each other, we help each other and we want to grow old with each other. This community within Alma Blackwell is one of a kind and it resonates such beautiful energy where we are all doing our very best to live and raise our children and better ourselves for a brighter future. Here is where I live. We live here!

My Mantra

I am powerful, I am peace, I am patient, I am healthy, I make a difference, I am grateful, I trust in you, I trust in me, I choose love, I am love, I am happy.

Thank you for today’s opportunities,

Thank you for this day about to begin and provide me with new and higher insights.

Create your mantra, write it, snip it, glue it, post it so you can look at it daily. May it remind you of want you want, desire, deserve and trust.

Since I made this last vision board for myself, many life changes have happened. I’m now planning my next one. Each time I create, it opens more paths for me to follow or pursue or contemplate. It’s not always an easy road to my new ventures and endeavours but certainly humbling.

Each time I create I feel more and more significant and believe I have a mission to follow my vocation and contribute to helping people and lead myself and others to develop a better world, a better life.

Each vision board I create I wake up to a new perspective. This is the spiritual growth I anticipate. I know now and convinced the universe does have my back! (Thank you Gabriel Bernstein for your recent book). I’m moving forward now with higher insights. A new vision board in the making! A shift is about to happen!

May you feel the universe tug at your spirit and discover your peace and path to enlightenment.

Love eva

Goal Settings

What’s your goal?

Do you have a one year plan, a two or five year plan? Do you know what you want to accomplish today, by the end of the week or month, year?

Creating a vision or an image to focus on is helpful. The vision of your choice reminds you of what you want, what you desire and all your must do. It’s not about materialism, it is about dreams and dreams feel good because they do come true. We want to feel good don’t we? You have every right to your dreams. You have the right to be happy! Believe it!

Do you love someone and want to sustain your love for each other? Do you want realistic windows of opportunities for a better life for you, for your family and future?

What does your vision look like? What colors do you see? What surrounds your vision and who is there? Which words would you use, what do the words mean to you? Do they speak to you, is it meaningful?

It makes you smile, right?

Set your goals, take the time, it’s your time. Collect your images and words and colours. Because not only is it’s your time… it’s your personal vision and only your life to cultivate. Nurture it!

You will be surprised at what comes together.

The photos are of a recent community group. We really didn’t have very much time for our boards but the sharing was beautiful. I encouraged to take their boards home and continue building on it if they felt the need to do so.

Each person shared their passion with stars in their eyes and energy and I can see before my very eyes their power come alive! Let your light shine!

love eva

The Future

Something special about today….felt strong and energized and empowered!

I came across this message and knew right away the power within can indeed manifest change. I feel Change coming on! A dream about to manifest!

How this came about? A quest for justice from the people I connected with today gave me a new inquiry into my spirit and provided an opportunity to re-link to my higher self. The connection provoked a deep contemplation about the innate power of mankind; more so, the power of women and our strength when we work together.

It’s that link that drives me to be better, to inquire, to dig deep and ask myself what more can I do?

What I can do is manifest my dreams to make positive change. Encourage others to the same.

I feel the change, and it starts with me.

love eva

My Vision For You

It took me longer than expected to find the words to reflect the value of my work. I wanted it to be as authentic as possible with images and phrases snipped out of magazine that resonates my desires and passion for you to reach a place of awakening.

At one point I overwhelmed myself with snips and I chuckled over my enthusiastic intent to say and deliver the many empowering messages. I did discover however that there was more that met my eye as I searched for those  messages because the activity itself guided me to a realm that impacted me profoundly. I became fixated on an energy that lifted me like a wave and came to a definite conclusion that my life’s work has just begun.

There is more for me to do and offer and grow from and I just can’t wait to discover it all. I am grateful to the stars for guiding me to a place of anticipation and excitement.

I wish the same for you.

love eva

Vision Board in the making


Here I go, getting ready for another Vision Board Workshop

While I gather my supplies together at my kitchen table, I decided to update my own vision board. Yes, I will make one for myself to share with you, one that is more meaningful to me at this point of my life. A refresher!

My Vision……

First I list my values:  what is important to me, what moves me, inspires me? What am I passionate about?  What and who do I love and care about?

I value the strength of my family, the honor of witnessing the growth of a soul in my children, my loyal friends and my long lasting neighbours. I value my work and community; building capacity with families and newcomers.  I value our environment and securing it for a better future. I value you, my readers and hoping my words and insights can help and guide you in some way to a better, hopeful and stronger tomorrow.

I am passionate about empowering women from ages 1 to 100 and I care, truly care about peoples feelings and providing a glimmer of inner strength and power that awaits to be recognized and take hold of. My vision and dreams is to facilitate to the community, empowering vision workshops. This dream fulfills me and drives me to work harder.

But first, I got to get busy-lets see what happens.

Stay tuned!


Celebrate Women

To me it reflects a beautiful image of our power within. borrowed from social media-So beautiful, Thank you for sharing!

My message

Happy International Women’s Day!

I believe in the power of our voice and the power we hold within! We are the change and we make the difference! Women unite for we are the force of the future!

This is to all the women warriors in the family! To my beautiful daughters Amira and Karima and amazing granddaughter Nariah! Not to forget Nona, the Queen of Warriors ! My girl friends Corina, Carmen, Astarte. Jayne, Judith, my distant missed cousins and awesome neighbours and my super team of women I have the privilege to work with at my workplace!
May the Force be with you all,  always!

With Love Eva

 This image borrowed from social media-So beautiful, Thank you for sharing!

Women Kind

  This newspaper clipping saved from decades ago just about explains it all! It makes me think of just how Women are indeed one… yes, one of a kind! Mankind had us believing we are a separate entity from the whole, incomplete and lesser without the other half. But, we know that not only are we complete, all powerful, and perfect just as we are, we are also the new force and voice of our times!

A toast to all women and our independence! A toast to our voice! May we never be shutdown again! And a toast to the rest of the world that hears us, supports us and make way for us. There is a lot of work to be done and a mess to clean up, make room because here we are!!

Happy International Women’s Day Week!

Talking Stick

Raven Eagle Talking Stick carved by George Matllpi

My experience

The nature of the talking stick provides us the opportunity to speak from our hearts and mind. When used in a peace circle it provides the circle to process what is being said and be heard without judgement. It paces our time. When the stick is passed to you, it is only your words being spoken. With intent, your words are received with openness and provide a path to understanding. It’s a tool of communication to solve problems or to gather deeper insights in any situation.

The beauty of the talking stick is the golden moments of thought process we share with reflection, respect and consideration. While the collective sounds of our heartbeat paces our thoughts, we courageously find our voice to share in a peace circle without interruptions. It takes time, presence and mindfulness.

Each time I participated in a circle-surprising encounters of awareness occurs, resulting in a deeper sense of appreciation for humanity. This tradition is so valuable and vital to our ways of communication, if only we can use it more in our systems such as law, government, schools, mediation…did I mention gov’t?

I would like to share my gratitude to Dr. Evelyn Zellerer, founder of Peace of the Circle, for her graceful and impeccable directions and facilitation training on leading a peace circle at my work place, Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House. My experiences were always positive feelings of enlightenment and a sense of common ground.

The photo represents the talking stick given to me as a gift from a friend of mine named Rudy/George Matilpi (First Nations carver Kwakiutl from Alert Bay). It is depicting the Raven and majestic Eagle. I am grateful for his gift and I will use it in our future work with community.

I am honored.

With much love, gratitude, understanding, and friendship.


I would like to acknowledge that I live, work and play on the unceded and traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples – sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil  Waututh) and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) first nations.

Valentine Mama’s

img_2907-1.jpgValentine Day is my favourite time of year, It’s an opportunity to share a piece of our heart in so many ways. May it be chocolates for the office or that one person we think about all the time. How about hugging our daughters and sons and lovely grandchildren which I cannot resist. Tell them they are perfect just the way they are, say I love you, say I care. It’s not too late. Our partners, friends, neighbours, sweethearts, and especially out Mama’s.  Just show love, one way or another it will be received for it is all we need!

I love you all, especially Mama!

hugs Eva xoxo

Just Dream It

I was looking for inspiration and spotted this coaster in the free room just when I needed it most. The more I think about those words the more it makes sense to me. I read it over and over again and I find myself concreting my dreams…feeling it as if it is my reality. It’s not hard to do and it feels right. You just have to allow it to feel real. Imagine your mind allowing yourself to dream to a point of no return, it feels awkward but eventually you feel this excitement and your stomach begin to have butterfly feelings. It is as if you can hardly stand the possibilities of your dream to actually come true! And, if it does, you know you can hardly sustain yourself from the happiness. Does this seem unrealistic?

Just ask yourself to choose between yes or no to your dreams…wouldn’t you prefer to say yes? Say Yes!

Why would we ask for less? Why not just dream it and know it’s ok to manifest it… and get ready for it!

Or do you prefer to just not dream it…because after all if you do, you are going to get pretty busy acting on it. If you dare to dream that is.

Super Women We Are!

Canadian You Tuber and vlogger, Lilly Singh known as IISuperwomanII is a great model for our youth that speaks and writes in her new book “How To Be A Bawse: A Guide To Conquering Life“. She talks about owning your own power, respecting and investing in yourself along with messages about staying true to yourself and not to change for anyone. Singh was in Vancouver back in April and I had the pleasure to see her show and was quite impressed! I was with my granddaughter Nariah and was proud to be part of her passion. The best part was the following day Nariah trekked out in the early morning determined to meet Singh at the book signing event at Chapters book store out at Metrotown and was fortunate enough to have her picture taken with Lilly Singh. A powerful moment of positive change for my granddaughter and powerful empowering messages for all the lovely young youth that follow IISuperwomanII.

Be the Bawse of YOU! I love it!

Stand By Me


Oh those subtle things in life, the little things that matter and makes an impact on our existence.  I found this poem Believe In Yourself in a tucked away box of trinkets and memories. As I pulled this poem out I remembered the day my sweet loving mother gave it to me… I think I was in my late teens maybe early twenties. As the memory began to surface a deep sense of love swept over me because on that day when I read the words it resonated deep in me, it was like a moment of awe… an inspiration spark of hope that everything is going to be okay, its going to turn out, keep on reaching for your dreams.

My message of today is to share with others your most precious moment that gave you strength and lift you. I share this poem to you and you can move it forward on to someone dear to you, it doesn’t matter how young or old. You never know when such a gesture can change a persons life in a positive way. My mother is still as impact full today as she was then. Thanks mom for always believing in me. You are awesome and indeed one of a kind, I love you♥



Team Work

IMG_2331 Recently, work colleagues and I at Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House took sometime to create vision boards that represented our work values, reflection of our social service with the community and best practices. We discussed what it means to be the best we can be and our goals to build capacity with our community as well within our agency. Best Practices are our daily mantra as we continue to strive to understand what more can we do to meet the needs of the community. Creating a personal work vision board took honesty, profound insights, and heartfelt discussions. Not only did it strengthen our purpose, it also provided an opportunity for building a stronger relationship within the team. Love and respect for each other and the community at large was and is our positive outcome at the very least.

Listen with your Heart

It’s our heart that knows, our heart leads us to happiness. For some of us it takes time, to understand or comprehend what happiness really means.

For me? Well I had no idea how much happiness there was to experience. Through each stage of my life’s journey I thought to my self with contentment ” this is as good as it gets, I’m okay with what I have…..what more can I ask for” “I love my life” But my heart tagged at my senses,  gravitated to more…wanting more, maybe it was seeking ways to sustain the feeling of happiness.
Yet, listening to my heart was sometimes painful… costing grievance for others, but my heart was calling out to me so strongly I really had no choice but to follow.
It led me through a series of unknown mysterious paths but each one offered me a resting spot especially when times were challenging.
I’m here now.
I’m just where I want to be and cannot comprehend being more happy then I am now. So that means there may be more that lay a head? And what am I going to do about it? My only answer is I’m going to have to follow it… and prepare for the witnessing of tears, mine and yours. The quest for happiness isn’t always easy but it is attainable. Just listen to your heart and it will lead you, I promise-it loves you.

Thinking Outside the Box vs. Inside the Box, Which Came First?


I remember when I first heard the phrase ‘Think Outside the Box ‘…   I was astonished because I thought to myself at the time “there’s a box and I have been thinking from within in it?” My reaction was  “Oh how liberating, I’m going to set myself free and think outside the ‘box!”
But then all along as I tried my hardest to be liberal and think alternatively with an open mind, I came across another saying that stated, ‘No need to think outside the box… there isn’t one”
What? Well, you can’t imagine how double free I felt when I read that quote… actually, come to think of it, which came first? Were we born in a ‘box’ and now need to crawl out or we’re we always free and the theory or concept placed us within it? Suddenly realizing to myself all this time the box theory was really quite controlling…it has restraints on our creativity, a bit stunting or stagnating. Interesting isn’t it at just how the opposite happened… at least for me.
So what am I trying to say ?
Let your vision soar, let it fly like an eagle without fear of limitations. Be free and dream away without any rules or restrictions. You’re mind excels way beyond any box, in fact it’s unlimited. You are unlimited !!

What’s Your Vision?


My vision is to facilitate vision board workshops in the community and workplace. It gives me great joy for it grows my heart fonder for humanity.

A vision of a deserving life of happiness.We are born to be happy in this life, and to empower ourselves  to manifest a vision we dare to dream of our own is an ultimate goal to accomplish. We all have needs, desires, wants and dreams, but rarely do we allow ourselves to reach out and set our minds to attain them. Through the practice of vision boards we provide ourselves an opportunity to bring our dreams to light, to allow to surface so that we may be reminded of what we are worth and deserving of.

Our dreams are on standby waiting for our command!

Tell me, what’s your vision?

What Rocks You?

Many years ago while sitting with a co-worker and sharing my passion and dream of how I would like to some day run empowerment workshops to encourage people to follow their hearts. At the time I had a long list of names I would call it such as, Power of Women or just, POW or HEART…. I think I even thought of my own name EVA with each letter representing words of enlightment and abundance…. any way, I was going on about my vision so close to my heart and the difference we can make for others and the simplicity of it. I  told her I know its possible because I myself have discovered, encountered and experienced enough to believe in the power of visions. Then for some weird reason, I reached down into the side cushion of the couch I was sitting on and felt  a rock nuzzled deep within the couch, I pulled it out and on it was written  Strength and Power with a bears paw stamped on it. I just looked at her surprised and she said to me with astonishment, I think you just made your case!”


I carry that rock with me whenever I need  reminding of the possibilities life offers us and, to sustain my dreams and visions.

What rocks you?

Share with me your power…what makes you strong and fuels you to carry on?


My Story

Hello World

I feel this is the beginning of many new things to come……a new journey for me towards social change…….positive change…… it starts here!


my blog logo


My family…My mother and father Italian and Greek arrive in Canada from Egypt in 64. I was 2 years old. My childhood memories were experiences of nostalgic events of love, dressed with domestic violence… I lived with an unyielding fear of the unknown.

Both parents worked hard around the clock. They managed to provide memories of good times with nature, camping, fishing, ocean sides and delicious meals for they both were great cooks.  My father showed me ways to improvise for he was a great handyman with golden hands-there was nothing he couldn’t fix, build or invent. I stood by his side and observed his ways. My beautiful mother showed me compassion, affection, literature and has always had an incredible belief in me, believed that I could accomplish anything my heart desire in my life. My mother became my best friend. However, the anger my parents held between them was enough to give me and my younger brother a fright that managed to make its way into our dreams including our day dreams.

I loved my father but feared him and could not understand why he was so violent towards my mother and brother…yet his Spartan hands and fierce shouts were never aimed at me- I was spared. I loved my mother and could not understand why this was happening, but I did comprehend that free will was beyond her reach. Shared moments of perpetual dreams were our means of survival.  At last, the twenty year love/hate marriage ceased, followed by an exhausted tearful bittersweet divorce. We were free ….free to be, sovereignty was within reach.

Before long I was on my own, but it didn’t take long for me to fall into a similar world I experienced for the first 20 years of my life, it was inevitable; my understanding of love led me to a preordained marriage, one of oppression and dominance. And so the cycle repeated, my conception of love trapped in endless hopeful prayers of change. After 16 years, I reached my sovereignty. It was a mutual decision….but not bittersweet. We went our separate ways and I experienced freedom once again.  It was finally my time, a time of liberty….a new found experience of autonomy. I held my head up to the sky and kissed the rays of sunshine that streamed across my face. With my precious daughters by my side, I wondered just how much freedom is there to obtain.

A new world.

I contemplated how much of myself do I need to repair and how am I going to do that? I tore myself apart contemplating where to apply myself. Why was it so complicated to decide my path-my vocation?   How am I going to give my all? I wanted to cure, heal, save, lead, nurture. I wanted to make a difference….. In many aspects of life.

My spirit led me through a series of education, explorations and meditations. I came across many influential uplifting and empowering literature on the manifestation of our souls, the power within and developed an awareness that we are born in to this world with the intention to be happy……it’s our right…… Imagine that!  I boldly entered where no Eva has gone before.  I trusted that if I visualize and listen to my inner being, I can then manifest my future.

Visualize, visualize….believe!

My heart led the way to my committed work of service to others where I truly feel I am making a difference such as my dream job at Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House. . Empowering women, growing community, securing food and building relationships are the many areas that resonate with me and now practice. I am blessed to work with such incredible and amazing women in my life for their mentorship, wisdom and perseverance cultivated a strong belief in positive change in me. Especially my mother, she found her calling in education and influenced me to find my way.

I now have a strong belief in the power of our minds to envision and manifest our dreams and desires to reality. I stand by the law of attraction, in attracting positive change, we just have to believe it-know it and practice it. Yes, we can attract what we want in our lives.

There are many authors that write such profound and inspirational books like Deepak Chopra “Secret Book” and Dr Wayne Dyer, an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth has fantastic insights on this subject on his blog

There are many more authors, books, literature that speak of positive change. My vision is to share with you my experiences and insights I have received as I continue to  learn from them and life and all the people in my path.

I am inspired to be a facilitator of positive change.

Welcome to share your experiences!

May your voice be strong and echo through the hearts of all.

May you achieve all you aspire to be.

Because if I can do it so can you…… I believe in you too.

Please view my digital story on personal change-my first attempt to movie making on social change

March 8th 2015 International Women’s Day

Step out the comfort zone and watch the magic happen and learn!

Mom just wondered “what mistakes didn’t I make? After all we all learn from our mistakes. We certainly learn from the ones we did make …well what about the ones we didn’t make…? So we just don’t know what we don’t know! Maybe just maybe there was more to know in this lifetime, what have I missed out on?

My Mom, fighting life with Multiple Myeloma and yet continuous to contemplate profound questions. Gives us all something to think about.


It’s taken me two years to post this. I kept it in draft all this time ignoring it. I now feel it’s a safe space among us bloggers and readers to post. There is nothing to hide.

I was standing at a bus stop holding my face up to the sun thinking about current relations in my life when suddenly I realized just how many events and experiences in my life have been kept a secret! How many relationships held a secret in one way or another. I was standing there just floored by the sudden thought… the pattern just never occurred to me.

Especially men, my fathers violence towards my mother, my suppressed marriage, my first new relationship after ending a 16 year marriage, and finally my new found love and discovering his addiction to alcohol that regrettably took his life 15 years ago.

Secrets kept are not healthy, when secrets are held within they will begin to simmer, then boil and gradually overflow or explode and thats when it becomes dangerous. There is resentment, grudges and hateful feelings not only to the significant other you are keeping the secret about but to your precious self as well. There will be damage. It’s destructive. You can’t stay boxed in holding on to the secret, because to suppress your feelings and not let your feelings be told only turns negative itself and creates a weakness. One way or another you will be affected. The positive side to this cause and effect is if you catch it in time you can rebel and reveal the truth, reconcile in time before there is too much damage done. You can break away from the solitude, it won’t be easy, their will be challenges but in the long run you will be set free!

Set yourself free!

I’m unlocking one more secret….after all secrets of love is not meant to be hidden only celebrated. I have to make a choice. I’m beginning to feel the freedom.

I am strong, I can do this.

I’m here.

love eva

What is a Vision Board

What does a Vision Board workshop look like?

To dream is a right, to vision is your right.

The 1st hour we will get together in a friendly, safe, respectful atmosphere and share our aspirations, dreams. family values and our passions. Once we collectively brainstormed and let go to dare to dream, our creative energy will begin to power through! The 2nd hour will involve actively cutting, creating, drawing and or writing out our dreams and aspirations with the tools of beautiful images and photos, slogans, powerful words and craft items such as stickers and miscellaneous artsy supplies. Together in the 3rd hour we will accomplish an empowering piece of work as we assemble them in the order of our likeness, in whatever way or fashion to take home so that it may remind us of our vision. The intentions is to strengthen communication and share a mutual outcome for ourselves and family. In the final hour we will share our findings, our insights and visions with each other for closure. We will walk away feeling the universe has just received our command and begin to feel ready to receive!

Best of all, there will be a sense of completion, this feeling will stir you in the right direction.

Get ready, You will be inspired!

Love eva

A Dream It Was

Your Sunset

A dream it was…or maybe not

For I was sure….at least…I thought?

Do not despair shall have no fear, this dream of love is truly dear.

It will not fade, it will not run, this love abides, itself the sun!

Deep down within I realize, my love for you so grand a size!

I must be off to tell thou so ” I love you dear! …oh god, please no.

Indeed it was a dream I feared, for now I wake…you’ve disappeared….

By eva aboud

1982 in memory of a friend reunited 26 years later… may you rest in peace.

Thank you for helping me believe in my own power.

I will never give up from believing in the manifestations of good.

You are not Forgotten


You are in my heart mind and soul, you have not gone unforgotten, I carry your memory with me everyday, I think of you always, you were courageous, a soldier, a hero and a messenger to all of us connected to you. I remember you, I remember All of you.

It’s a good memory.

I will continue the fight, for your endeavours live within me and I will do my best to make the world a better place.

Thank you for being in my life. Thank you All for being my friend,

You are not forgotten. Not ever. Not one of you.


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